WR19 Diplexer
DPX-W-00209 is a V-Band Diplexer with steep rejection on both bands, rejecting 50.2-50.4 GHz. Return loss on both channels is 15 dB minimum with insertion loss of 0.6 dB at the center of the band.
DPX-W-00209 is a V-Band Diplexer with steep rejection on both bands, rejecting 50.2-50.4 GHz. Return loss on both channels is 15 dB minimum with insertion loss of 0.6 dB at the center of the band.
BSF-W-00193 is a WR19 band-stop filter that rejects a very narrow bandwidth of 50.265 to 50.34 GHz. Both sides of the passband has low insertion loss and good return loss.
Exceed Microwave now has the capability to produce WR-10 waveguide filters.
DPX-WC-22-28-34 is a WR34 diplexer with very wide bandwidth for both channels.